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The following enrollment requirements are also expressed in our Enrollment Agreement which all students are required to read, fill out, sign and date.

The Student Must:

Have a high school diploma or GED. If the applicant does not possess a high school diploma or GED, he/she must pass an ability to benefit test with a score acceptable to the school. The minimum score which is acceptable will be kept on file in the Director's office.

If accepted the student must:

Comply with attendance, academic and financial requirements as expressed in the Enrollment Agreement.
Not disrupt the normal activities of the school.
Maintain satisfactory academic progress as described in the school catalog.
Uphold financial obligation to the school as expressed in the Enrollment Agreement.
Give a written declaration of whether or not they have been convicted of a crime (excluding traffic violations and misdemeanors).
Not engage in behavior that will disrupt the normal activities of the school.
Provide a written declaration as to whether or not they have had a communicable disease within the last two years. 


All New Horizons facilities are smoke free and alcohol free. There is a zero tolerance for the violation of this policy.

In order to receive a certificate of completion from the school and to become eligible to participate in the school Job Placement Assistance Program, the student must have met the following qualifications:


Attend all lectures and the required "hands-on" practice hours.
Score passing grades on the final written exams.
Attend and complete job placement training sessions with the placement director.
Be in good standing regarding any financial obligations to the school.



Students may be terminated by the school for the following reasons (examples include but are not limited to the following):


Violation of the school's Attendance Policy.
Fail to maintain satisfactory progress.
Violation of Personal Conduct Standards.
Is unable to meet financial obligations to the school.



Students who discontinue their training for any reason should schedule an EXIT interview with the School Director. This meeting can help the school to correct any possible problems and may assist the student with future plans.



In compliance with the Federal Trade Commission and Georgia State Law, the school does not guarantee the student a job. The student understands that the tuition paid was for instruction, not for a job placement. It is the intention of the school to offer job placement assistance to our graduates. The job openings offered to the individual graduate are based on class performance and/or area and type of place specified by graduate as being the most desirable. The school encourages each graduate to participate in the Job Placement Program with hopes and expectations that he/she will be working in the medical industry soon after completion of the course.



New Horizons Medical Institute, Inc., is dedicated to assisting students with employment opportunities. We have a dedicated staff that will seek out opportunities for employment and post the information on the student information board and/or make announcements in class. Each student will also meet with his/her counselor to discuss employment opportunities, resume writing and dressing for success.



The school has established a policy for the release of student and/or graduate information. This policy is available upon request from the administrative office.



School records reflecting student's name, address, telephone, birth date and place, social security number, dates of attendance and certificate awarded will not be provided to third parties by the school, unless requested in writing by the student.



The school reserves the right to close during weather emergencies or other "Acts of God." Under these conditions, the students will not be considered absent. Instructors will cover any missed material to ensure completion of the entire course.



All personal property is the sole responsibility of the student and the school does not assume liability for any loss. Vehicles should always be locked to avoid possible theft.

A tuition payment plan is available. We also accept all major credit cards.  Click the secured PayPal icon below for online registration or tuition payments. Additionally, we are WIA approved. Job search assistance is available.


The student may pay tuition as follows:

-Full tuition at the beginning of the course.
-A deposit on the first day of class. The remainder of tuition to be paid on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule

-A deposit at registration, one half of the remaining balance on first day of class, remaining balance before end of class.

We accept debit cards, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express

ALL courses each carry a $75 nonrefundable Registration fee.





New Horizons Medical Institute, Inc., adheres to the following Refund Policy. A copy of our refund policy is contained in our Enrollment Agreement and all students are required to read and initial that they have read and understand the refund policy prior to signing the Enrollment Agreement.

The refund computations will be based are based on the refund policy guidelines based on scheduled clock hours of attendance.  The determination of refunds will be calculated based on the most advantageous refund to the student.  The refund computations will be based on scheduled clock hours of class attendance through the last date of attendance:
• During the first week of the period of financial obligation, the institution shall refund 90% of the tuition;
• After the first 10% of the period of financial obligation and until the end of the first 25% of the period of obligation, the institution shall refund at least 50% of the tuition;
• After the first 25 %  of the period of financial obligation and until the end of the first 50% of the period of obligation, the institution shall refund at least 25% of the tuition; and,
• After the first 50 %, of the period of financial obligation, the institution may retain all of the tuition.
Students will be held responsible for any monies still owed to New Horizons Medical Institute and will be billed accordingly.   The effective date of the termination for refund calculations will be the last recorded date of attendance or the date of receipt of written notice from the student— whichever is earlier.

The effective date of termination will be:
• The day following ten consecutive days of absence;
• The date the student fails to return from a leave of absence;
• The date the student notifies the school of withdrawal. 
• The last day of attendance if the student is terminated from the school for any other purposes.

If tuition is collected in advance of entrance, and if after expiration of the 72-hours cancellation privilege, the student does not begin class, not more than $75 shall be retained by the school.

The student will be issued instructional supplies, books or materials at the time these materials are required by the program.  However, if a student does not qualify for any tuition assistance, enrolls in individual courses and/or withdraws from the institution before payment has been made books will be billed accordingly to the student.   Once these materials have been issued used, no refund will be granted. 

A refund of tuition and fees is due and refundable in each of the following cases:
• An applicant is not accepted for enrollment.
• If the student’s enrollment was procured as a result of any misrepresentation in advertising, promotional materials of the school, or misrepresentations by the owner or representative of the school. 
• If a course is discontinued

Refunds will be totally consummated within 30 days after the effective date of termination on students who withdraw or who are terminated by the school.  Upon request by a student or any state or federal department, the institution shall provide an accounting for such amounts retained within five workdays.  Refund on graduates and completed students will be consummated within 45 days.

The school shall provide a full refund if educational service is discontinued by the school, preventing a student from completing the program.

Tuition & Refund Policy

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​Norcross (Main Campus)

5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd
Suite J
Norcross, GA 30071
(P) 770-447-0722​ (F)


PO Box J
114 N Broad Street
Winder, GA 30680
(P) 678-963-0387 (F) 678-425-0701

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